Alea Teatre is a street theater company that, after 20 years of experience, has a wide range of artistic proposals such as traveling shows, family, large format, children's musical animations, historical recreations, or the stimulation of parties and various types of events. He also directs and produces à la carte shows, turning what you dream into a reality.
Alea theater, factory of dreams.
In the Catalan context, Alea Teatre has directed large-scale shows such as:
• Aquelarre de Cervera (in 15 editions)
• Witch Festival of Sant Feliu Sasserra (in 4 editions)
• Moors and Christians Festival of Lleida (in 4 editions)
• Cau de Bruixes de Centelles
• The opening show of the Aplec del Cargol in Lleida
• Welcome shows from Reis to Nou Barris, Barcelona (in 4ditions)
He has also been present at:
• MaasMechelen Festival, Belgium (2023)
• Bondoró Fesztivál d'Hungary (2023)
• Grand Prix Formula 1 in Bahrain (2023)
• Festival Cruïlla, Barcelona (2018-2019)
• Edimburg's Hogmanay Festival (Edimburg)
• Port aventura (Spain)
• Fira Tàrrega (Spain)
• La Mercè a banda (Barcelona)
• Nice Carnival (Nice)
• Monegros Desert Festival
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